In 2008, state parks and local citizens developed a plan to make the park relevant into the next century. They soon realized that Lake Sylvia was primarily used during our summer months. To increase its use during the off seasons, the park needed some facility that would offer a gathering place with some shelter. This would allow schools, civic groups, reunions, meetings and weddings to take place without concern for the weather. Architect Will Foster has donated his professional skills over several years and designed a pavilion with supporting facilities that will truly make Lake Sylvia a prime destination throughout the year. This pavilion is designed to reflect the natural setting of the lake and forest with large log uprights, wooden beams, native wood paneled walls, reflective lighting from the peaks, and a surrounding landscaped area. The pavilion will provide a meeting place for up to eighty people. During warmer months it will be open-sided but during the winter movable wall panels will pull out of pockets and create an enclosed area. Central to the building is a tall fireplace that will provide warm fires during evenings and on cold days. A kitchen area at the back of the will provide a food preparation area for functions.
Funding: Initially FOSLS wanted to fund the entire project as a gift to Washington State. However, we soon realized that would be beyond our abilities. In 2014 we started a capital fund campaign after registering with Washington as a charitable organization. We set a goal of $250,000. We have raised over $230,000 in cash and services from the local Grays Harbor community. We have given $200,000 of those funds to the state parks agency. Our local legislators have helped us by requesting a grant from the Legislature through the Department of Commerce. This added over $650,000 for the project. Construction was completed in 2019. We still need community support to provide finishing touches to the pavilion and continue to accept donations. It has also been designed to maximize use by school children and folks with limited mobility. An ADA restroom has been constructed near the pavilion.
This Legacy Pavilion is possible because of widespread community gifts and support from our local and state officials. Special thanks go to Representatives Jim Walsh and Brian Blake and Senator Dean Takko for securing state matching funds.
We are glad to announce that the Legacy Pavilion is completed and ready to be rented!
Please visit this WEBSITE to book a reservation. NOTE: You must be in List View in order to see the Pavilion reservation page.
Friends of Schafer and Lake Sylvia State Parks (FOSLS)
PO Box 642 Montesano, WA 98563